A book by Rich Wagner
The adventure a Man wants, the Leader His family needs.
As a Christian man, how do you prioritize between what you are driven to do at work and church with what you are responsible for at home? Rich Wagner debunks the myth of a "balanced life" and shares a biblical model of becoming a hands-on leader of his family.
In this personal and revealing book, Wagner challenges Christian men to harness their career ambitions and limit their ministries while their children are at home. He shows how the pull of business success and the call to church ministries are compelling-even seductive. But if you allow your heart to be captured by career and church, you put your kid's spiritual lives at risk. Far too many Christian children grow up with the vision of a loving Father in heaven, but live with the reality of an earthly father who seems more devoted to outside interests than he is to them. As a result, many children in Christian families today drift away from their faith as they become adults. Wagner reveals how accepting his challenge will not only result in spiritually healthy kids, but also give you the true adventure for which every Christian man yearns.